Hoffman, A. F.

Hoffman, A. F.


QCMDR, 1898, Co-locators Horrman, Wilson, Laymer, p. 147; 1899. Witness for McCarthy, QCMDR, p. 139; Affidavit of labor performed on Mullin Mine in Kotsana River area, 10/16/98, ML, Bk.3 (Bks.J&F), , p. 117. Strike of bornite ore on the “Billum” (Kotsina river). TVN, 1:1. 3/06/01; Frank Hoffman, Dan Wilson and others went up Copper River and reached the Kotsena river and located (they say) the Bellum copper vein, on Downey creek, a branch of the Kotsena. Hoffman left interior in winter of 1898-1899; Millard,TVN, 1: 7. 4/20/01.