Old Town Walking Tour

Old Town Walking Tour

Old Town Walking Tour


9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Old Town Valdez
Alaska Avenue, Valdez, Alaska, 99686

Event Type

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A guided tour at Old Town. We will follow a 1.7 mile easy to navigate route along Alaska Avenue and McKinley Streets with stops at 18 historic markers.

Tour Historical Marker Stops Listed Below:

  1. Interpretive Panels
  2. Valdez Gospel Chapel
  3. Pioneers of Alaska Hall
  4. Interpretive Panels
  5. Interpretive Panels
  6. Hotel Valdez
  7. Stith Motors
  8. Valdez Dock Co.
  9. Post Office
  10. Klip Joint
  11. Wells Commercial Co.
  12. Village Morgue Bar
  13. Standard Oil Tank Farm
  14. South Dike
  15. Union Oil Tank Farm
  16. William A. Egan Home
  17. Pinzon Bar
  18. Gilson’s Mercantile