
Public Notice: End of Appeal Period

May 7, 2020

Valdez, Alaska, May 7, 2020 – In accordance with AS 14.57.210. Acquisition of Title to Undocumented Property, and VMHA Collections Policy, the City of Valdez approved by resolution on March 3, 2020, to remove 100 sets of items from the museum collection. For the Deaccession List click here. As pursuant to state statutes, May 6,…

Valdez Museum Survey

April 24, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE What Do You Want? Valdez Museum Survey Valdez, Alaska, April 24, 2020 –It is the Valdez Museum’s commitment to our membership and community to stay connected in this uncertain time as we wonder how the world is going to evolve after the current COVID-19 global pandemic is over. We intend to keep…

Connecting With Community

April 23, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Connecting With the Community Online Valdez, Alaska, April 23, 2020 –“The Valdez Museum is your community museum.” That phrase is echoed many times when we reach out to inform the public about exhibits, events and educational programs at the Museum. The Museum’s doors are now closed to visitors indefinitely due to health…

Museum and School District Join Forces

April 22, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Valdez, Alaska, April 22, 2020 – Each spring Museum Educator Faith Revell normally visits elementary school classrooms to share artifacts from the VMHA collection and offer learning opportunities for students. In May she usually takes to up to 60 students on field trips to the Remembering Old Town Exhibit and on guided…


April 9, 2020

Valdez, Alaska, April 9, 2020 – The Valdez Museum along with the nation’s museum community is facing an existential threat from the closures required to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Addressing this threat requires decisive action from the U.S. Congress beyond that contained in legislation enacted last month. Most museums anticipate closures and reduced visitorship through…