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The Vote

August 2, 2013

The year 2001 marked Valdez’s centennial. On July 1, 1901, Valdez residents voted to incorporate and form an official City government. How did that vote compare to municipal votes today? For one, there were stricter requirements for who could vote. Voters had to be male, older than 21, a resident of Alaska for one year,…

Valdez Airport

August 2, 2013

Valdez has a long transportation history. Since it was founded over a hundred years ago, it has served as a hub for road, sea, and air travel. Valdez has had an airport since October 1927 when local residents worked with the Alaska Road Commission to build the first runway adjacent to the Old Town. Building…

Bob Reeve

August 2, 2013

Valdez has a long transportation history. Since it was founded over a hundred years ago, it has served as a hub for road, sea, and air travel. Bob Reeve is a familiar name to many Alaskans. He is best known for his long-standing airline “Reeve Aleutian Air” that serviced the Aleutian Islands from the 1940s…

Housing and Pipeline Construction

August 2, 2013

In the spring of 1968, the first major oil discovery was made in Prudhoe Bay. A year later, announcements were made that an 800-mile pipeline would be built to Valdez. Over the next four years, permits were issued, legal and environmental issues worked out, and land claims settled. Work began on building the pipeline in…

Work Force

August 2, 2013

The bronze statue that stands inside the gate to the Alyeska Pipeline Terminal shows five people who represent the workforce that built the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. In October of 1975, construction activity on the pipeline peaked. During that month just over 28,000 people were employed on the project. They worked as laborers, engineers, administrators, office workers,…