Let it Snow!

Need something to do indoors, but out of the house?

Visit the museum for DIY crafts and scavenger hunts.

You’ll find instructions and supplies for making snowflakes!

Making paper snowflakes can help to develop direction-following, creativity, visual motor skills, and fine motor skills.

  • Creativity- Use imagination to make your snowflake look however you like. There’s not a ‘correct’ or exact way when crafting. Let each snowflake be as unique as we are. Experiment!
  • Visual Motor skills- Try visualizing how many shapes are able to fit within the crease of the paper and if the scissors will be able to fit to successfully cut out the shapes.
  • Folding paper- Line up the edges and produce a crease.
  • Bilateral skills- Holding and turning the paper in one hand while manipulating scissors with the other hand.
  • Cutting- Practice manipulating scissors to cut out various shapes within the folded paper (this also addresses hand strength).