SPRING INTO ART 2019 Thank You!

SPRING INTO ART 2019 Thank You!


Valdez, Alaska, April 3, 2019 – For the past 19 years the Student Art Show has been a great opportunity for the Museum to join with the Valdez City Schools in enriching their arts education experience. This year we resumed our partnership with the Valdez Consortium Library to exhibit K-12 artwork at two locations, the Valdez Consortium Library and the Valdez Museum on Egan Drive.

Thank you to all those who contributed to the presentation of this annual exhibit. They include exhibit sponsors: Alyeska Pipeline Service CoAlaska State Council on the ArtsNational Endowment for the Arts, and Copper Valley Electric Association Community Foundation; worker bees who helped with exhibit preparation and installation: Shannon Groundwater with daughters Clare and Lily, Rich Dunkin, Glen Sodergren, Gary Warner and Fatra Allen; local art teachers Sue Keeney, Leah Cason, Tyler Thompson, and Karen Johnson; Mollie Good, Molly Walker and staff at the Valdez Consortium Library; musicians Snowtown Strings who serenaded guests at the Opening Reception, plus student volunteers Hali Fitka, Kinleigh Day and Sovi Christensen who interviewed guests and student artists at the Opening Reception.

This annual student art show offers the youth of our community a chance to stretch their imaginations and creative expression through art, and it could not successful without you!


Patricia Relay, Executive Director                                      

Tel. 907-835-2764, Email: prelay@valdezmuseum.org