Thorstensen, Louis

Thorstensen, Louis

Pre 1898

Location Notice; J. Ellis, Thorstensen, Jacobsen, T. Olsen, Shepard, Larsen, 10/6/97. PWS. Bk. 1, p. 33;


V-Lot, Index , p.23; Location Notice with G. Donaldson, Glacier Island, 8/8/1898, p. 32; has fox farm on Goose Island, pays $100 annually to government for lease for raising blue foxes; has 300 fox; Donaldson is partner; former partner, Jacobson, “sold out his interest for $2,500 cash. Lives with Tatitlek woman who speaks only Aleut and whose “father was Russian missionary,” has 2 children; MB-D, 6/19/98; Bjornstad and Mahlo hire him to take them on the Fox to Latouche Island, MB-D, 6/20/98;