Location notice, W.L. Gillett witness, Latouche Island, 8/5/1899, PWSMDR, Bk. 2. p. 259; Deed: For $500 gold coin William Gellett sells to H.N. Humphrey sells 1/2 interest “in the following named Quartz claims belonging to the america Group of mines and situated on La Tush [Latouche] Island,” includes: “Tip Top,” Samon (salmon) berry,” “Ocean Wave,” “Whale,” recoreded in Book 2.2.2, page 268, 26202630261 at records office in Virgin Bay.” Valdez MDR, p. 162;
Receives $500 from H.N. Humphrey for the following quartz claims on Latouche I belonging to the American Group, “Tip Top,” Samon Berry”, and the “Whale,” recorded in Book 2.2.2. page 268, 262, 263. 261, of PWSMDR, Valdez MDR, p. 162;