Haines, Frank Herbert.

Haines, Frank Herbert.

Pre 1898

Passenger on steamer Wolcott, left Seattle for Copper River, 11/20/97, member of Witch City Mining Company, Seattle P-I, 11/21/97; Quoted as saying “We mean to dig gold or die,” in Seattle P-I article.


Witch City Mining Co. split between Hoag and Haines factions, members of Haines party: Lee, Call, Tanner, Haines, and Pierce, Seattle P-I, 2/3/98; Tanner shot at but missed him, Seattle P-I, 2/3/98; caught in snowslide with Pierce on March 9, buried for 2 hours before other parties dug them out, lost tent, stove, (reported by apt. Leonard Baer of Moonlight on his return to Seattle,) Seattle P-I, 3/31/98;