Texas party of George Hogg, Frank Newton, S.W. Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Dowling, and H. Prince preparing to leave for Copper River, Seattle P-I, 2/4/98; Born in Dublin, 1869; Parnell man; Arrived Valdez 1898; became deputy in Marshall’s office; Pathfinder, IV:10. 8/1923; Signer of Petition to the President from Quartz Creek and Teikell Mining Dist, May 8, 1899 requesting Capt. Abercrombie be given “permission to employ [on the trail to interior Alaska] those men who need work, and thus enable them to remain in the country. With a good trail those who have means will be able to bring in machinery, and the development of the country will be accelerated.” NARA RG 107, Entry 80. Office of the Secretary of the War Department: 1667-103;
Exciting trip down Copper River with Sclosser, Morris, Thompson, Punches, Jacobsen and Fisher in 1901, A. Powell, Trailing. pp 249-256; trip described in Pathfinder, IV:10. 8/1923;
Returned from the interior and left on Portland for states, TVN 5:32, 10/14/05, p. 4; Still in Alaska in 1908. Powell, Trailing. p. 256; (Could be the couple Powell describes where wife tried to pull sick husband to Valdez in 1899, since Powell says the couple was still in Valdez in 1908.)