Filed in 1898-1899 VMDR, p 138; Appointed the first post master in Valdez in Abercrombie 1900, p. 26; Brought chickens to Valdez in 1898. A. Powell, Trailing. p. 31. Mr. & Mrs. Beatty donated stove and can of oil to relief station on Valdez Glacier, Sept. 1898. Bourke Notes. CS1;
Copper River Drug deeded lot in Valdez townsite to Beatty, 12/20/1900, V-Lot, Index, p.28;
Power of Attorney: grants power of attorney to Pert [Peter] W. Holms to stake claims, etc. 2/7/1901, VMDR, 1900, p. 267; Deed: For $60 cash and $50 in payment within 30 days, renounces all claim to Lot 9, Block 8 originally located by Robert Reid 4/8/1909 and transferred to Beatty on 6/11/1909 to Mrs. Mary C. Eames, VMDR, 1900, p. 220; Dealer in Fine Furs. The Valdez News, 1:1. 3/06/01. Epiphany Building committee, Annual Vestry. The Valdez News. 1: 6. 4/13/01. p. 4; Donated to new City Hall, The Valdez News. 1:12. 5/25/01; Donated to new City Hall in the name of Glacier House, The Valdez News. 1:12. 5/25/01.Judge Brown appoints to Board of Election, The Valdez News. 1:14. 6/8/01. p. 1; Ran for first City Council; “now chairman of the city board of trustees,”The Valdez News. 1:14. 6/8/01. p. 1; Runs for City Council, Independent ticket and for school director on Citizens ticket. The Valdez News, 1: 16. 6/22/01. Voter Roll for Election of July 1, 1901, Crary Scrapbooks, Vol. 1; Purchased B.A. Mahan house and moved to corner of Hobart and Keystone, The Valdez News. 1:20. 7/20/01, p. 4; Left for San Francisco to have eyes treated, The Valdez News. 1:31. 10/5/01, p. 4; 1:32. 10/12/01. p. 4;
Left to join wife in San Jose, CA.; sold his part interest in a fox farm on Fox Island; will return occasionally to look after his other investments in the area. The Valdez News 2:42. 12/27/02, p.3