Building Committee Meeting

Building Committee Meeting

Date(s) - 03/12/2015
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

The Valdez Museum on Egan


No Cost Associated

The Building Committee has been authorized by and is accountable to the VMHA Board of Directors to coordinate all issues as it relate to the expansion of the facilities of the Valdez Museum. All meetings are open to the public. The Agenda for this meeting is as follows.  Please contact the museum for more information.

      1. Call to Order/Roll Call

      2. Introduction of Guests

      3. Public Business from the Floor

      4. Committee Chair Report

      5. New Business

        Stakeholder Influence Matrix
        Draft RFP for Master Interpretive Planning Consultant
        Next Step(s)

        Development & Approval of Project Charter

        Timeline for Pre-Development Planning

      6. Old Business

      7. Committee Business from the Floor

      8. Next Meeting: April 8, 2015 – 5:30PM

      9. Adjournment