1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Mr. Minish called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m.
Members present: Gary Minish, Tom McAlister, Martha Barberio, Kaitlin Pabo-Eulberg, Richard Dunkin, Nate Duval, City of Valdez Capital Facilities Director
Guests: None
Staff present: Patricia Relay, Andrew Goldstein, Faith Revell and Marcia Lynn
2. Introduction of Guests: None
3. Public Business from the Floor: None.
4. Old Business:
a.) 2018 Site Selection Process Revisited: Ms. Relay first acknowledged the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Valdez and the Valdez Museum and Historical Archive to jointly fund a new museum facility that was passed by the City Council at its February 19, 2019 meeting. She noted two key points of site selection and fundraising; then gave background on the previous site selection process that took place a little over one year ago. She introduced Nate Duval who gave a comprehensive summary based on the 5 previously highest ranked sites:
Hill, north of Civic Center parking lot;
No Name Pizza/former 3 Bears store location
Gavora property
Pipeline Club to Napa
Luke Horning skate park and ice rink, including snow lot.
Mr. Duval said of all those sites only two are still considered available:
Hill, north of Civic Center
Gavora property
After committee reviewed all the original 16 sites under consideration, including the top 5, there were 5 new potential sites recommended for evaluation:
Pioneer Commercial Subdivision across from Old Town Burger–owner Port Valdez
Mineral Creek Subdivision, corner lot of Galena and Hazelet–owner Port Valdez
RV Park on the waterfront at the end of cannery row–owner City of Valdez
Bayside RV Park across from the Totem–owner wants to sell
Parking lot across from the Board Room Bar–owner City of Valdez
General discussion covered the pros and cons of each site, including size, location, view, accessibility and compatibility with Museum planning–with first and foremost being how a size suits overall community support and vision for the new facility. Following that discussion the committee re-evaluated the criteria and decided change the weight for all categories with this result:
Community Support and Vision 20 pts.
Site Features 20 pts.
Site Compatibility 20 pts.
Purchase and cost terms 15 pts.
Site Development costs 13 pts.
Natural and physical environment 12 pts.
It was decided that before we begin a community outreach strategy, the group must re-evaluate the sites, old and new, which Nate will integrate in the Excel sheet. Responses are due by March 28 and the Building Committee will meet on April 4, 5:30 pm at the Museum to identify the top 5 sites we want to put forward to the Community.
5. New Business:
a) Community Outreach Strategy and Plan: The goal is to go to where people are. We cannot expect people to come to us. Ms. Lynn provided a down and dirty marketing strategy, but first we need to prepare the materials that educate the community on the need. Mrs. Pabo-Eulberg stated that she would be available to help. The community outreach, prior to the work session would go through the Fly in.
b) Work Session with Council: The goal is to convene a work session with Council in Mid may. We want to be able to go to the work session and confidently state that we have xx% of support to move forward with a new museum and xx location.
Next Meeting Museum Building Committee, April 4, 2019 5:30 p.m. Egan Commons
6. Adjournment
Motion: With no further business before the committee, Mr. Dunkin moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and it was seconded by Ms. Barberio. Discussion: None. Vote: All members present voted to approve, none opposed. Motion carried.