2. Valdez Gospel Chapel

2. Valdez Gospel Chapel

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2. Valdez Gospel Chapel, 406 Sherman Street

Associated with the Assemblies of God Church, the “chapel” ran a children’s home on the same block. Two tall Spruce trees remain from Old Town and flag the church’s entrance. The church’s bell located in a handsome tower, rang out on Sundays calling the local congregation to service. The church, itself, did not move to New Valdez, but the bell found a new home there.

Native Alaskan children, some siblings, others orphaned or living with a single parent unable to care for them, resided in the children’s home. They attended Valdez public schools and played in a treehouse situated nearby.

Rev. Duane Carriker, pastor of the church, also earned his living as a longshoreman and forklift operator on the Valdez docks. Carriker perished in the 1964 Earthquake. Thereafter, Mrs. Carriker and the boarded children were transported first to Fairbanks, and the children later relocated to Juneau and another Assemblies of God home. Mrs. Carriker continued to pursue the life of a missionary.