Peterson, Oscar H.

Peterson, Oscar H.


Prospecting partnership agreement between N.W. Ohlsson, Victor Malmgren, Oscar H. Peterson, made 1/12/1898, VMDR, 1900, p. 253, 276; Passenger, steam schooner National City, departing Portland, OR, 3/14/98 with “by far the larger number of her passengers” bound for the Copper River, but a few for Dyea/Skagway, Portland Oregonian, 3/15/98; [Note: J. and W. Williams also came up on the National City]. Locator, QCMDR, No. 15, 1898, p. 11; witness to W. Grogg, QCMDR, p. 37; to Malmgren, QCMDR, p. 59; Co-locators: F. McCormick, J. F. Sweeny, Wm. Williams, A.C. Ohlhavsen, O. Peterson, Malmgren, John Williams, F. A. Henry, Chas. Johnson, QCMDR, p. 101; Notice of amended location 6/26/1899 by Sweeny, W. Williams, Ohlhausen, O. Peterson, Malmgren, J. Williams, Henry, C. Johnson, Pollard, Kain, Hamlen, Ward, Sender, Bush, Onstad, J. H. Smith, McCormick, QCMDR, p. 108; “doing well but I [reporter] could not ascertain just the amount he is taking out.” The Alaskan 8/5/99; Bruce, H. Smith, Oscar Peterson, Malmgren, & Leveross Arrived in Valdez Nov. 7, 1898 from interior; going outside to get pack animals and return in Feb; Brown in Glenn and Abercrombie, p. 623;