Prospecting partnership agreement between N.W. Ohlsson, Victor Malmgren, Oscar H. Peterson, made 1/12/1898, VMDR, 1900, p. 253, p. 276; Filed in TMDR, 1898; QCMDR, 1898, locator, p. 16; Travels with Remington party, in Manker Creek Stampede with Capt. Teeters, Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. Delander, Shorty Wagey, NE. Oleson; Signer of Petition to the President from Quartz Creek and Teikell Mining Dist, May 8, 1899 requesting Capt. Abercrombie be given “permission to employ [on the trail to interior Alaska] those men who need work, and thus enable them to remain in the country. With a good trail those who have means will be able to bring in machinery, and the development of the country will be accelerated.” NARA RG 107, Entry 80. Office of the Secretary of the War Department: 1667-103;
For $100, Holman signs his interest in the Davison Grubstake claims and is interest in his horse which Davison has with him over to John F. Rice,witness by Robert Dunn and N.E. Ohleson 8/29/1900, recorded 9/25/1900, Chistochina, No. 2, p. 194; Location Notice for Vulcane Placer Claim, Slate Creek, witnessed by Bourke and H. Miller, filed 9/10/1900, Valdez, MDR, 1900, p. 72; Location Notice for “Lost Chance,” placer claim on Chisna River, located 4/17/1900, relocated 6/17/1900, filed 9/16/1900, Valdez MDR, p. 84; Location notice “Gerda” claim on Chisna River, 4/13/1900, witnesses L. Rothkrantz, J. Miller, p. 40, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Location notice for “Urabumba,” 4/18/1900 about 1-1/2 miles SE of the “Discovery” on Chisna River, witnesses R. Coles, J. Nokes, p. 43, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Location notice for “Vulcan” placer claim on Slate Creek, 6/22/1900, p. 134, witnesses J. Bourke, H. Miller, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Location notice for “Lime claim,” on Lime Gulch, 5/31/1900, p. 244, Chisna MD.Records, 1900;
Owns the Vulcan Claim, next to Sandburg & Miller, on Slate Creek; 15 men working, mostly assessment, taking about 2oz. day; Malmgren owns small portion of the claim, taking $25 a day; The Valdez News, 1:21. 7/27/01; Left for visit to Chicago, will be back in spring. The Valdez News. 1:31. 10/5/01; 1: 32, 10/12/01. p. 4;