Filed in records of townsite lot claims for 1898-1899,VMDR, p. 62, 67, 103; Crossed Valdez Glacier in 1898. Letter in Valdez Museum Archives; Voight sells for $1 an undivided 1/2 interest in the “Viola” claim to Lillian Moore, 3/22/98, witness O’Connel & Simpson, TMDR, p. 83; Subscribed to a relief station fund for 1899 on Valdez Glacier, in Valdez, 1898,CS1;
In Valdez between 6/11/1900-6/26/1900, C1900; Arrived Slate Creek with Finch and others, July 25, 1900. From Diary M. Dempsey, 1900. Crary Scrapbook, Vol. 1.# 199; Witness to Finch’s Location notice for “Bootjack Placer Claim,” on east fork of Chisna River, located 7/24/1900, filed 10/5/1900, Valdez MDR, p. 132; Location notice: “Ethel T” placer claim on Miller’s Gulch, located 8/4/1900, witness J. Finch, filed 10/5/1900, Valdez MDR, p. 133; Location notices by Moore and Finch for “Climax Claim,” on Canyon Creek, trib. to East fork of Chisna, on 7/24/1900; “Dubilation Claim,” located 8/1/1900; “L.G.” Placer Claim, 8/1/1900; unnamed claim on Maplevine stream trib. to Copper River, 8/20/1900; “C.J.” claim on middle fork of Chistochina River, located 8/24/1900, no witnesses, Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 133-136; Location notice “New York Quartz Claim,” located 8/8/1900 “situated on south side of Chittanah river about 3/4 mile from the bank and about 9 milesfrom its juntion with the Copper River and about 1/4 mile from the “Oregonian,” Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 166;
Moore for $290 mortgages lot 6 in block 2 to John Lyons, 9/30/1901, Book A of Mortgages, pp. 72, redeemed 3/13/1902, p. 72;
Location Notice, Mining Locations and Water Rights, District of Alaska, Division 1. E. p. 18; (Location notices for L. J. Moore, pp. 176-177, Mining Locations and Water Rights, E.)