Assist. Quartermaster. Brown and party left to go prospecting at small bay on narrows below Potato Point, MB-D, 5/31/98; Witness to Ripstein/Blaumer Mining Bond. 1898. Mining Locations, Bk 2, 1898-1900. p. 66; Filed in 1898-1899 VMDR, p. 60; Contributed 150 lbs to a relief station for 1899 on Valdez Glacier, in Valdez, 1898, CS1; Only official remaining in Valdez, winter of 1898. Calls himself “the King” Powell, Trailing. p. 90 ff; had government mule killed to feed starving prospectors in Valdez, 1898. Powell, Trailing, p. 140;” My God, Captain . . . April 21, 1899 in Abercrombie, 1900, p. 15; Abercrombie, “designated by the Asst. Secretary of War to carry out the provisions of the act “Approved December 18, 1897, authorizing the Secretary of War to afford relief to destitute people in the mineing (s9c) regions of Alaska.” Special Orders, 4/21/98, NARA, RG 107, Entry 80; See also: Report of Charles Brown, Quartermaster’s Agent. in Alaska 1899, Washington: Government Printing Office. 1900. pp. 37-43.