Margeson/Benedict trip. Gold Hunters, p. 9; Benedict, Gasteldi, Lawrentz, Gittner, and Potts decide to return to States after reaching Copper River, Margeson, Gold Hunters, p. 171; C.J.M. [Messer] has just returned from prospecting trip with C.B. Smith of Stamford CT (a shoe seller well known in New England); H. Smith (New York City ice dealer); N.D. Benedict of Litchfield CT (a photographer); Luther Wait of Ipswich MA (a former postmaster); and Harry H. Sweet of Hornersville [sic] N.Y. (engineer on the Erie Railroad). Notes the effects of rumors and high hopes. For two days some good-looking dirt made him a wealthy man in his own mind, but “then came the man with nitric acid.” long letter with much additional information. C.J.M. letter 7-14 to 9/5 in Boston MA Evening Transcript, 9/17/98;