Passenger, steam schooner National City, departing Portland, OR, 3/14/98 with “by far the larger number of her passengers” bound for the Copper River, but a few for Dyea/Skagway, Portland Oregonian, 3/15/98; [Note: Groo, Clancy, Sands, C.L. Swanson all on National City together]; With Machin & Clancy on Klutina, Groo Diary, 1898; Moved to Manker Creek, 1/14/98; went over divide to Tiekel Feb., 1899; Groo Diary, 2/3/99-2/20/99; QCMDR, 1898, Locator, p. 84; UKMDR, Witness for Sands,3/11/1899, p. 135; Locator, 3/13/1899, p. 175; clearly thinks scurvy is contagious, leaves Quartz Creek for Tiekel in mid-winter to avoid it, Groo Diary, cf. 3/3/99 passim; Groo, F. Sands, Swanson & Vaber locate on Porcupine Gulch, 3/9/99; same group drew lots of locations on Stewart Creek, 3/12/99; drew lots for claims on Vaber Gulch off Konsina with Kain outfit, 3/13/99; more claims in Sam’s Gulch, 3/24/99; Diary of Samuel J. Groo, Valdez Heritage Center Archives, copyright, Lannie Scopes. begins with boat building on Klutina.