Stakeholder Meeting #2

Stakeholder Meeting #2

Stakeholder Meeting #2


3:00 pm - 5:30 pm


Civic Center
110 Clifton Dr , Valdez, AK , 99686

Event Type

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On Thursday, July 23, the Board of Directors of the Valdez Museum and Historical Archive entered into a contract with the Portland, Oregon firm of Alchemy of Design to assist with the commencement of a Master Interpretive Plan. The Master Interpretive Plan (MIP) is the first step in the pre-planning process that will guide the Valdez Museum’s future. The MIP will help to define the museum’s interpretive needs, which will then determine the feasibility of building a new facility, or refurbishing and/or expanding an existing building.

The MIP development team will meet with Valdez Museum Board and Staff, and community stakeholders on Monday, August 17, 2015 and Tuesday, August 18, 2015. Alchemy of Design and Valdez Museum staff will meet with members of the public to determine audience needs and wants for a new or expanded museum facility, identify the museum’s strengths and weaknesses, and identify key messages to be explored within the museum’s exhibits and public programs.

All members of the public are invited to participate in the public meetings; call 907-835-2764 for details.