Rice, John F.

Rice, John F.


Powell met at Copper Center in 1899. Powell, Trailing. p. 161 with Wood; Babcock orders to go to the mouth of Greyling Creek on Klutena River and inspect the “Cache” of Mrs. Syring. To inspect cache and “such articles as in your opinion are in good condition, you will accept and turn over to Private Garrett 7th, U.S. Infantry, who will receipt to you for the same.” Orders, 5/3/99, Office of Secr. of War Dept. 1667-70, NARA RG 107, Entry 80; See report in :From Port Valdez to Klutena Rapids via Valdez Glacier in Alaska 1899, Washington: Government Printing Office. 1900. pp. 55-57; Report of John F. Rice. in Alaska 1900 Washington: Government Printing Office. 1900. pp. 95-104; Reports “Military expedition accompanying post-office inspector to Eagle-City over the All American Route arrived here [Eagle-City] July 28 making the trip in forty days.” Telegraph sent 7/29/1899 from Eagle-City by letter via Seattle on 8/30/1899, arrived Washington, D.C. 8/31/1899, Office of the Secretary War Dept. 1667-120, probably NARA RG 107, Entry 80;


Took care of Millard’s horses winter of 1900-1901, The Valdez News, 1:5. 4/6/01. p. 1; Employed by Abercrombie as scout at $100 a month. Letter by Abercrombie, 2/7/1900 to War Department, NARA RG 94, #309779; For $100, Babcock signs his share of the interest in the Davison claims over to Geo. Baldwin and J.F. Rice, 9/5/1900, recorded 9/25/1900, Chistochina, No. 2, p. 193; George Davison sells for $250, 1/2 of all his interest in the claims acquired from James Garrett to George E. Bawldwin (Baldwin), establishes partnership between Davison and Bawldwin, 9/29/1900, witnessed by John F. Rice, Chistochina, No. 2, p. 205; Witness to A. Holman’s sell of property to F.L. Holman, 7/19/1900, Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 33;