Manker, James A.

Manker, James A.


Passenger list for the schooner Hera, departed Seattle for Copper River 3/22/98, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/23/98; Mining Agreement between Rudolph Agassiz (Hamilton, MA) and James Manker, a miner. 3/18/98. ML, Bk G (H&I), p. 720-723; Received power-of-attorney from Rennrelete (?) TMRD, p. 62; Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. Delander, Shorty Wagey, Northeast Oleson, McGee, Shelton, and Manker and Dempsey name Manker Creek, Remmington, 1898. The Golden Cross (?), p. 41; Co-locator with R.S. Agassiz, “Sky Light” Placer Claim, No. 1 above gorge on O’Brien Creek, 10/15/98, witnesses H. Smith, W.D. McGee, TMDR, p. 20; Co-locator with J. Manker of “Jas. Manker” Placer Claim, The Discovery, on Manker Creek, 7/20/98, witnesses, W.C. Bruce, W. Grogg, TMDR, p. 51; Locator, “Eureka”, quartz claim on O’Brien Creek, 10/10/98, witnesses H.Smith & W.D. McGee, TMDR, p. 59; Locator, placer claim on Hertle Creek, 10/12/98, witnesses H.Smith & W.D. McGee, TMDR, p. 59; Witness to W.D. McGee, QCMDR, 1898, p. 19; Locator, QCMDR, 1898, pp. 37; 41; James A. Manker proof of labor for W.C. McGee’s “Paystreak and “Jasper,” “O’Brien” placer claims on Hertle Creek, 1899. TMDR, p. 22, 23, 25; proof of labor on Manker “Discovery” claim, TMDR, 9/2/99, p. 24; Dooley moves camp to Manker Creek Camp on discovery claim and has dinner with Jim Manker, Dooley Diary, 2/27/99;


Location Notice for “Hillside Bench Claim,” situated on north bank of Slate Creek,” located, 6/10/1900, Valdez MDR, p. 163; Location notice for “Sky Line Placer Claim,” on Chisna River, 4/13/1900, p. 32, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Location notice “Dry Claim,” 7/2/1900, south side of Slate Creek, p. 155, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Location notice with Burt Hurd for “Dry Gulch” on middle fork of Chistochina River, 5/25/1900, p. 218, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Location notice, “Hillside Bench Claim” on the north bank of Slate Creek, located 6/10/1900, witness, J.B. Newcomb, “filed for record at the request of James Finch , Oct. 1, 1900, p. 23, recorder M. Demspey, Chistochina, No. 2; Wunke sells his portion of the Pittsburg claim at Slate Creek, Chisna Mining district, to James Manker, 8/10/1900, Valdez, MDR, 1900, p. 51; Witness with Coles to Jacobson’s “Jacobson Claim,” Slate Creek, Chisna Mining District, Witness with Dempsey to Jacobson’s claim on Miller Gulch tributary, Chisna Mining District, Valdez, MDR, 1900, p. 53; Location Notice: “The Discovery” on Slate Creek, discovered and located 6/20/1900, by: D.B. Lavell, C.H. Kramer, Jack Beck, Robt. Coles, B. McDowall, Sam Taylor, Jim Manker, J.B. Newcomb, J. Jacobson, J. Miller, filed 9/6/1900, Valdez, MDR, 1900, p. 54; Location Notice: “Tacoma Claim” on Slate Creek located 6/21/1900, witnesses newcomb and McDowall, filed 9/8/1900, Valdez, MDR, 1900, p. 59, p. 111, Chisna MD.Records, 1900 ; Quit Claim: “in consideration of the sum of valuable considerations and one dollar. . .” quit claims 1/4 interest in “Tacoma Claim,” 1/2 interest in Unnamed claim on south side of Slate Creek, (Chisna Mining Records, p. 155), and 1/2 interest in unnamed claim filed for record in Book One, p. 32 of Chisna Mining Records to E.G. Ames on 9/8/1900, Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 62-67; Witness to Newcomb’s “Summit Claim,” Witness with H. Miller to N.E. Ohlsson’s Vulcane Place Claim, Valdez, MDR, 1900, p. 72; Manker and Newcomb witnesses to Nokes’ Sulpher Claim, Valdez, MDR, 1900, p. 75; Quit claim deed: “For value received” assigns, etc. his 1/3 interest in the “Hot Dog Claim,” at Slate Creek located on 6/23/1900 to J.B. Newcomb, attorney for Frank Bartlett, 7/28/1900, witnesses Wunke and Manker,Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 121-2; See notice of protest against signers of “Discovery” claim on Slate Creek by Herbert Spencer Gray, 7/28/1900, p. 180, Chisna MD.Records, 1900;


Manker Claim (adjoining Date claim) at mouth of Miller Gulch; first claim in district in which strike occurred; 20 working, taking out about 1oz. a day; “good claim but difficult to work, there being so much gravel to handle and the pay dirt being so scattered,” The Valdez News, 1:21. 7/27/01; Arrives in Valdez with Beck, has been prospecting the headwaters of the Shushetna for two months, The Valdez News. 1:28. 9/14/01; Manker mortgages for $460 from John M. Williams an undivided 1/16th interest in the Tacoma place claim in the Chisna district together with all tenements, appurtenances, etc. 2/8/1902, Book A of Mortgages, p. 93, redeemed p. 93; Mining Deed unnamed 20 acre claim at Slate Creek to W.D. McGee of Tacoma for $1, 2/9/1901, VMDR, 1900, p. 268;