Arrived in Port Valdez, Dec. 20, 1897 aboard “Behring Sea” with Lutz Vogel and Charles Sponberg; part of a company; Valdez Miner, 1/18/1935; Arrived on “Behring Sea” en route to Klondike in 1897; cut some of the first steps in Valdez Glacier; assisted in building 1st cabin in Hangtown. Pathfinder I:9, 7/1920, p. 16.
Arrived on “Behring Sea” en route to Klondike in 1897; cut some of the first steps in Valdez Glacier; assisted in building 1st cabin in Hangtown. Pathfinder I:9, 7/1920, p. 16; UKMDR, witness for Geo. Kem (Kene?), 4/19/1899, p. 139;
Witness to McCarthy’s claims at Surprise Creek, near Kotsina, June 1900, Valdez Mining District Records (1900), p. 91-92; Location notice for “The Causas,” on Mineral Creek, [Kotsina area], p. 102; unnamed mine on Surprise Creek, trib. of Kotsina, p. 103, Valdez MDR, p. 102-103; Location notice for “California Quartz Claim,” on Surprise Cr. which empties into the Kotsina river, by D.R. Greenig for Amy, located 9/1/1900, witness, C. Simonsted, filed 10/5/1900, Valdez MDR, p. 137; Witness to C. Warner’s “Washington Quartz Claim,” on Surprise Cr, a trib. of the Kotsina, located 7/2/1900, filed 5/10/1900, Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 138; Location notice by Simenstad, Hendrie, and Greenig for “Monitor,” “situated on Surprise Creek which empties into the Kotsina River,”, located 9/1/1900, Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 172;