In charge of constructing Trans-Alaska Military Road, Report of first lieut. Walter C. Babcock, Eighth U.S. Cavalry, from April 26, 1899, to October 9, 1899. Abercrombie, 1900; Abercrombie appoints as Adjutant, Signal Officer, Recruiting Officer and in charge of Sub-Stations on the Military Road to Eagle City, Youkon (sic) River, Orders, 4/21/99, Office of Secr. of War Dept. 1667-70, NARA RG 107, Entry 80;; Gives special orders for Abercrombie to: Hallet, Hendricks, Rice, Garrett, Westervelt, Tully, Koehler, Skeahan, Birch, Quartermaster, Orders, 5/2/99, Office of Secr. of War Dept. 1667-70, NARA RG 107, Entry 80; Abercrombie Letter-Telegraph to Asst. Sec. of War reporting “Lieutenant Babcock 8th cavalry has displayed marked talent for carrying a line on grade. His work has been of high order. By mail to Seattle, 7/10/1899, Seattle by telegraph 7/19/1899, rec. 7/20/1899, Office of the Secretary of the War Dept., 1667-107, NARA RG 107, Entry 80;
Catches up with Hazelet party, locating bridges for Gov. Trail, Hazelet Diary, May 3, 1900; Geo. Davison agreement in exchange for provisions from A. Holman, W.C. Babcock, and G.E. Baldwin to prospect for lodes and deposits in the Chistochina mining region and to record claims to 1/2 interest to himself and 1/6 interest to Holman, Babcock, and Baldwin, 8/11/1900, recorded 9/25/1900, Chistochina, No. 2, p. 192; For $100, Babcock signs his share of the interest in the Davison claims over to Geo. Baldwin and J.F. Rice, 9/5/1900, recorded 9/25/1900, Chistochina, No. 2, p. 193;
Military Trail posts. The Valdez News, 1:4. 3/30/01.