Arrived in Alaska, March 1898, C1900; Sound Beach, Conn. Margeson/Benedict trip. Gold Hunters, p. 9; Broke knee cap on glacier, ran store, Margeson, Gold Hunters, p. 70; Filed in VMDR, 1898, p. 67; Witness with H. Sweet to E. Brook claim on Connecticut Creek, TMDR, p. 74; Locator, No. 3 on Connecticut Cr. trib. to Manker Creek, 7/29/98, witnesses Margeson & Sweet,TMDR, p. 75; Witness with E. Brook to D. Leavelle claim on Connecticut Cr., TMDR, p. 75; Summary: A letter received in Stamford from Phillip I. Stead indicates that forest fires have destroyed the provisions of about a dozen prospectors. Stead and a companion lost a year’s supply of food and almost all their clothing and gear.They had to leave a promising claim for Valdez; on their trip their only food was meat from a cinnamon bear given to them by another prospector. Others who were burned out belonged to a Peoria IL group. Stead,H.E.F. King and Lindsey Stead, plus one or two others, are the only members of the Connecticut and Alaska Mining Trading company still left in Alaska. News Story, Danbury CT News, 7/19/99;
In Valdez between 6/11/1900-6/26/1900, C1900;
Filed “Hilda Placer Mining claim” on the East Fork of the Excelsior Creek, a tributary of the Gakona River. Next to “Dog” claim. May 9, 1901; E.J. Date Witness. June 15, 1901, filed for record by J. Lyons. Mining Locations & Water Rights, Book , p. 432.