Passenger on schooner James G. Swan, departing Seattle for Port Valdes on 2/25/98. Passengers said to be “stowed away like a bunch of clams at high tide.” Seattle Daily Times, 2/25/98; Locator, No. 44 above canyon on Manker Creek, 10/18/98, witnesses H.B. Pearson, J.S. Gordon,TMDR, p. 40; Pearson works with Hy Miller, H. Cole, J. Lavioss, Lon Malone, Capt. Lewis, Borden, Rosenthal at lake in Aug. 1898. Pearson Journal Extracts, CS1, p. 185; Oct. 4, 1898 Pearson, Bradbury, Kendricks, Malone, Lewis, & Merchant. have dinner together. Pearson Journal Extracts, CS1, p. 185; (Note: none of the people mentioned above were on the James G. Swan passenger list);