Gray, Smith W.

Gray, Smith W.


First-class passenger on steamer Excelsior, departing Seattle, 2/27/98 for Valdez, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/28/98; Nominated for position of Valdez Recorder by C.L. Betts on 3/12/1898, but lost to J. F. Kertchem, VMDR, p. 11; Elected to Permanent (2nd) Township Committee, 4/26/1898. Chairman. Minutes. CS1, p. 76ff; Filed Jewel Lode Mining Claim, Glacier Island, 8/8/1898, ML, Bk. 2, 1898-1900. p. 33, 98; Located lot 4 block 8 wwith 50 ft. on McKinley and 150 ft. on Glacier, 3/15/1898, recorded 5/10/1898, V-Lot, Index , p.18;