Passenger on steam schooner Noyo, departing Seattle for Copper River ports with a few passengers for Juneau and Skagway, Seattle P-I, 3/16/98;
Notice by W.H. Egerter: Virgin Bay, AK, 11/12/1900: “I hereby claim an undivided 1/3 interest in any and all claims staked by Peter Ereckson during 1900, and warn all parties against negotiating same.” Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 179; Location notice for “Ruby Mine,” on Eagle Canyon Creek, 7/3/1900, witness J.S.M. Nelson, p. 130, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Location notice for “Paulena,” on SalinasCreek, 7/3/1900, witness J.S.M. Nelson, p. 131, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Location notice for “Auora?” claim, 7/24/1900, p. 174, Chisna MD.Records, 1900; Location notice for unnamed claim west of Chisna River, 7/6/1900, p. 210, Chisna MD.Records, 1900;