Passenger on the schooner St. Lawrence departing 3/1/98 for Copper River with 27 passengers, Seattle P-I, 3/1/98; Arrived in Valdez on schooner St. Lawrence, 3/31/98, with Roy McCoy, Rolla Walker, Joe Bell, Fred Scott, [J.] W. Anderson [of Woodman, WI], Ed Edwards, and Frank Markert, Pendleton letter in in Grant County Herald , 8/4/98; In party from Wisconsin including John Pendleton, Ed Edwards, Roll[a] Walker, Frank Markert, Joe Bell, Fred Scott, J.W. Anderson [Mills, WI] , E.L. [Roy?] McCoy, Letter from McCoy in Grant County Herald (Lancaster, WI) 4/28/98; Walker, Bell, Anderson and Scott carve headstone for snowslide victims, Pendleton Letter, Grant Count Herald, 8/4/98; Tells Conger they are getting some good diggings at Quartz Creek, 11/8/98, Conger, p. 160;