Ames, Eugene G.

Ames, Eugene G.


Passenger list for the schooner Hera, departed Seattle for Copper River 3/22/98, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/23/98; Arrived in Alaska, April 1898, C1900; Mining Agreement between W.F. Wharton and E.G. Ames to supply Ames. 3/18/1898. ML, Bk G. p. 706-709; Locator, Placer Claim No. 40 above Canyon, Manker Creek, “Birdie”, 10/11/98, Witnesses Manker & John Diston,TMDR, p. 43; Locator, Placer Claim No. 5 above Canyon,O’Brien Creek, “Birdie”, 10/15/98, Witnesses Manker & W.D. McGee,TMDR, p. 43; Witness with McGee to Diston claim, TMDR, p. 69; Subscribed to a relief station fund for 1899 on Valdez Glacier, in Valdez, 1898, CS1;


In Valdez between 6/11/1900-6/26/1900, C1900; Quit Claim: James Manker “in consideration of the sum of valuable considerations and one dollar. . .” quit claims 1/4 interest in “Tacoma Claim,” 1/2 interest in Unnamed claim on south side of Slate Creek, (Chisna Mining Records, p. 155), and 1/2 interest in unnamed claim filed for record in Book One, p. 32 of Chisna Mining Records to E.G. Ames on 9/8/1900, witness Alvah Eames, C.B. Smith, Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 62-67; Leases 3/16ths of the Tacoma Placer Claim to W.J. Finical, Valdez MDR, 1900, p. 200;


Subscribed to Fire Department, The Valdez News, 1:33. 10/19/01, p. 1; Owns Rooming House; Payment and wage agreement with W. M. Finical on the lease of the Tacoma Claim, Book A of Mortgages, pp. p. 63; E.G. Ames promises to pay Anna Barrett $200 if note not paid before Oct. 23, 1901, Book A of Mortgages, pp. 72, redeemed 10/12/1901; Ames mortgages for $2,500 to Eleanor Doty his Lot 1 in block 6, buildings, etc. bar fixtures and furnishings, also 3/16th interest in placer claims known as the Tacoma in the Chesna Mining District, 10/12/1901, Book A of Mortgages, p. 86, no indication of repayment;