Press Releases

Press Releases

Museum Becomes a COVID-Conscious Business

August 16, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE VMHA Earns City of Valdez COVID-Conscious Business Rating Valdez, Alaska, August 17, 2020 – The Valdez Museum & Historical Archive welcomes congratulations from the City of Valdez in earning the Valdez COVID Conscious Business designation. The Program recognizes local businesses and organizations for following recommended COVID-19 safety practices to protect their workforce,…


July 21, 2020

Valdez, Alaska, July 21, 2020 – The Valdez Museum & Historical Archive recently launched our VMHA 2020 Annual Appeal with the theme Staying Connected. Once a year we ask everyone to open their hearts and pocket books to help us continue offering visitors a chance to experience the culture and history of our region. This…

Valdez Museum Reopened to Visitors on July 1st!

July 17, 2020

Valdez, Alaska, July 1, 2020 – The Valdez Museum & Historical Archive on Egan Drive in downtown Valdez reopened on July 1st, under new health guidelines that ensure a safe environment for visitors, volunteers and staff. The Museum’s doors have been closed to the public since mid-March due to health concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic….

Grants Sustain Museum Operations

July 5, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Valdez, Alaska, July 3, 2020 – The Valdez Museum & Historical Archive reopened to the public on July 1, 2020 after a nearly four month closure over health concerns related to the COVID-19 global pandemic. During that time museum staff continued working and adapting to develop online program offerings and stay connected with…

AK CARES Grant Preserves Museum Jobs

July 2, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Valdez, Alaska, July 3, 2020 – The Valdez Museum has received the full funding of $100,000 from the AK CARES Grant Program, a partnership between Credit Union 1 and several state agencies, to offer financial help for small Alaskan businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The application period opened June 1, 2020 and…